Law Summary
Basic Policy and Objectives
- The State's policy aims to:
- Protect the right of the Filipino people to a healthful environment.
- Improve socio-economic conditions through social justice and equitable access to forest resources.
- Respect the rights of indigenous peoples to their ancestral domains, considering their customs and traditions.
- Key strategies include:
- Active and transparent community participation.
- Tenurial security for local communities and indigenous peoples.
- The State supports local communities in managing forestlands and coastal resources sustainably.
Concept of Community-Based Forest Management
- Efficient management of forestlands and coastal areas relies on organized local communities.
- The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Local Government Units (LGUs), and other agencies must collaborate with NGOs and private entities.
- The DENR is responsible for providing security of tenure and technical assistance to local communities.
- Communities will prepare a Community Resource Management Framework (CRMF) to express their aspirations and guide resource management.
Definition of Terms
- Ancestral Domains: Lands occupied by indigenous communities according to their customs since time immemorial.
- Ancestral Lands: Lands utilized by individuals or families from indigenous communities since time immemorial.
- Community-Based Forest Management Agreement (CBFMA): A production sharing agreement between a community and the government for sustainable forest management.
- Community Resource Management Framework (CRMF): A document outlining resource access, use, and protection within the CBFMA area.
Scope and Coverage
- The CBFMP applies to all classified forestlands, integrating people-oriented forestry programs.
- Indigenous Cultural Communities (ICCs) and Indigenous Peoples (IPs) can participate through Ancestral Domain Management Plans (ADMPs).
- CBFMAs will be issued over portions of ancestral domains recognized by CADCs or CALCs.
Key Program Participants
- Qualifications of Participants:
- Local communities represented by People's Organizations (POs) must have Filipino citizen members who utilize or reside near the awarded area.
- Incentives for POs:
- Rights to occupy and manage forest resources.
- Exemptions from rent and forest charges.
- Consultation and consent rights regarding government projects.
- Responsibilities of POs:
- Participate in resource management and protection.
- Prepare and implement CRMFs, RUPs, and AWPs.
- Develop equitable benefit-sharing arrangements.
Stages of CBFMP Implementation
- Preparatory Stage:
- Inform and educate stakeholders about CBFMP.
- Establish institutional linkages between DENR and LGUs.
- Identify potential CBFMP areas.
- PO Formation and Diagnostic Stage:
- Encourage community participation and organization.
- Conduct community appraisals to assess existing conditions.
- Planning Stage:
- Assist POs in preparing CRMFs, RUPs, and AWPs.
- Implementation Stage:
- Enhance organizational capacities and ensure economic viability of resource management activities.
Tenurial Instruments
- Community-Based Forest Management Agreement (CBFMA):
- Duration of 25 years, renewable for another 25 years.
- Provides tenurial security and incentives for sustainable management.
- Certificate of Stewardship Contract (CSC):
- Awarded to individuals or families occupying forest lands.
- Tenurial instruments for holders of CADCs or CALCs who opt for a CBFMA.
Management of CBFMP
- CBFM Steering Committee:
- Formulates policy guidelines and provides overall guidance for CBFMP.
- Forest Management Bureau (FMB):
- Acts as the National Coordinating Office for CBFMP.
- Reviews and monitors CBFM programs and prepares national action plans.
- Regional and Provincial Implementation:
- RED, PENRO, and CENRO are responsible for effective implementation and reporting.
Financial and Other Mechanisms
- Financing Mechanisms:
- DENR and LGUs to allocate funds for CBFMP targets.
- Seek supplementary funding from local and foreign donors.
- Community Based Forest Management Special Account (CBFMSA):
- Established to support CBFMP implementation and provide incentives.
- Community Forestry Development Fund (CFDF):
- Managed by POs to finance forest protection and community development projects.
Penalties and Sanctions
- Sanctions for Non-Compliance:
- Monitoring by DENR and LGUs; non-compliance may lead to suspension or revocation of permits.
- Appeals Process:
- Aggrieved parties can appeal decisions within 30 days.
Transitory Provisions
- Transition to CBFMA:
- CBFMA replaces previous stewardship agreements and will be the tenurial instrument for allowable zones within protected areas.
- Preparation of CRMF and RUP:
- FMB to conduct training for technical personnel to ensure compliance with CBFMS standards.
Final Provisions
- Effectivity:
- The order takes effect 30 days after publication.
- Separability Clause:
- Invalid provisions do not affect the validity of other provisions.
- Repealing Clause:
- Previous inconsistent DENR issuances are repealed or amended accordingly.