May 17, 2001
This order mandates the conservation of rare, threatened, and endangered fishery species, prohibiting their capture and imposing severe penalties for violations, including imprisonment and fines.
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Law Summary

Definition of Terms

  • Rare: Refers to fishery/aquatic resources with small global populations that are not currently classified as endangered or vulnerable.
  • Threatened: A general term encompassing species that are endangered, vulnerable, or rare.
  • Endangered: Pertains to species, subspecies, and their derivatives listed in the CITES Appendices.
  • CITES: The Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.
  • CITES Appendices: Lists of species of plants and animals that are endangered by trade, categorized into Appendices I, II, and III.

Prohibition of Taking or Catching Species

  • It is unlawful for any individual or entity to take or catch the specified fishery/aquatic species.
  • Rare Species: Includes various gastropods and bivalves, such as:
    • Bolma girgyllus (Girgyllus star shell)
    • Clypeomorus aduncus (bent cerith)
    • Amusium obliteratum (smudged moon scallop)
  • Threatened Species: Includes specific gastropods and crabs, such as:
    • Turbo marmoratus (green snail)
    • Birgus latro (coconut crab)
  • Endangered Species: Encompasses a range of marine mammals, clams, and sea snakes, including:
    • Stenella longirostris (spinner dolphin)
    • Tridacna gigas (true giant clam)
    • Cerberus rhynchops (dogfaced water snake)

Penalties for Violations

  • Offenders violating this Order face severe penalties, including:
    • Imprisonment ranging from twelve to twenty years.
    • A fine of one hundred and twenty thousand pesos.
    • Possible forfeiture of the catch involved in the offense.
    • Cancellation of fishing permits, if applicable.

Repeal of Inconsistent Regulations

  • All previous orders, rules, and regulations that conflict with this Order are repealed or modified accordingly to ensure compliance with the new provisions.

Effectivity of the Order

  • The Order becomes effective fifteen days after its publication in the Official Gazette and/or in two newspapers of general circulation, as well as after its registration with the Office of the National Administrative Register.

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