Arboso vs. Andrade
G.R. No. L-2176
Decision Date
Dec 29, 1950
Heirs of Sotera Arboso contested Doroteo Andrade's ownership of land sold by Roman Budak; Supreme Court ruled Andrade acquired title by prescription due to uninterrupted possession.
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Case Digest (G.R. No. L-2176)


  1. Ownership and Administration of the Land:

    • In 1917, Sotera Arboso was the owner of the parcel of land in question, which was declared in her name for tax purposes (Exhibit A).
    • The land was under the administration of Roman Budak.
    • After Sotera Arboso's death, her children, including the plaintiff Consolacion Arboso, continued to receive the land's products delivered by Roman Budak until 1920.
  2. Roman Budak's Claim and Sale:

    • In 1920, Roman Budak executed an affidavit claiming ownership of the land by inheritance from Sotera Arboso and had the land declared in his name for tax purposes (Exhibit C).
    • In December 1926, Roman Budak sold the land to Doroteo Andrade, the defendant, despite warnings that Budak was not the true owner.
    • Andrade declared the land in his name and paid taxes on it until 1946.
  3. Disputes and Legal Actions:

    • In 1927, the heirs of Sotera Arboso discovered the sale and entered the land to gather coconuts, leading to a theft case filed by Andrade, which was dismissed as a civil matter.
    • In 1928, the heirs filed an action to recover ownership of the land, but the case was dismissed in 1932 for lack of interest (Exhibits 3 and 4).
    • In 1947, Andrade filed an ejectment case against the heirs, which was decided in his favor, ordering the heirs to refrain from interfering with the land (Exhibit 2).
    • Despite this, the heirs continued to enter the land, prompting Andrade to take firmer action in 1946.
  4. Present Action:

    • Consolacion Arboso filed the present action, claiming ownership of the land.


  • Whether Doroteo Andrade acquired ownership of the land by prescription under the facts of the case.


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