Lopez y Villanueva vs. Tan Tioco
G.R. No. L-2827
Decision Date
Oct 3, 1907
The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Maria Lopez, affirming her authority to sell sugar due to insufficient evidence for Tan Tioco's claims under a verbal contract.
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Case Digest (G.R. No. L-2827)


  • The case involves a dispute between Maria Lopez and Tan Tioco regarding the sale of sugar.
  • Lopez and Tioco had a verbal agreement for Tioco to store 7,713.99 piculs of sugar until instructed to sell.
  • Lopez instructed Tioco to sell the sugar on September 29, 1904, when the market value was higher.
  • Tioco claimed he was authorized to sell the sugar on March 26, 1904, when the market price was lower.
  • Lopez asserted that the balance due based on the September market value was 22,638.94 pesos.
  • Tioco acknowledged a debt of only 1,082.95 pesos based on the earlier market value.
  • The trial court ruled in favor of Tioco for the lower amount, leading Lopez to appeal.


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  • The court found no preponderance of evidence supporting Tioco's claim of authorization to sell on March 26, 1904.
  • The market value of the sugar was credit...(Unlock)


  • The burden of proof lies with the party making an affirmative allegation; Tioco failed to substantiate his claim.
  • Testimonies were contradictory, with Tioco's defense relying on limited understanding from a witness.
  • Mere possession of receipts by Lopez did not prove she author...continue reading

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