Bernabe vs. Mariano A. De Villa et al.
G. R. No. 38842
Decision Date
Jul 7, 1934
The Supreme Court upheld the lower court's ruling requiring oppositors to reimburse the applicant for survey and registration costs of Lot No. 2, with costs imposed on the appellant.
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Case Digest (G. R. No. 38842)


  • In G.R. No. 38842, dated July 7, 1934, Bernabe, the applicant and appellant, filed an application concerning three parcels of land.
  • The oppositors and appellees were Mariano A. De Villa et al.
  • The case was initially heard in the Court of First Instance of Batangas, which rendered a decision on August 19, 1932.
  • Bernabe sought to have the land surveyed and registered, incurring various expenses.
  • The lower court's decision was appealed, leading to the present case before the higher court.
  • The primary contention revolved around the payment of expenses incurred by Bernabe for the survey and registration of Lot No. 2.


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  • The court affirmed the judgment of the Court of First Instance of Batangas with a modification.
  • The oppositors were ordered to pay the promotional part of the expenses incurred by the applicant for the survey of Lot No. 2 and other related expenses.
  • If the clerk of the Court of First Instance of Batangas cannot determine the portion of the strictly necessary e...(Unlock)


  • The court's decision was based on the provisions of section 37 of Act 496, as amended.
  • The court recognized that the applicant had incurred expenses for the survey and registration of the land, which were necessary for the application process.
  • It was found equitable that the oppositors, who were contesting the applic...continue reading

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