Angelo vs. Alfaro
G.R. No. L-6850
Decision Date
Aug 4, 1954
Land registration case: Lot 7 awarded to Bautista heirs in 1943; Alfaro's appeal unperfected, reconstitution based on his record upheld, writ of possession issued. SC affirmed finality.
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Case Digest (G.R. No. L-6850)


  1. Land Registration Case:

    • Before 1943, a decision was rendered in Land Registration Case No. 894, G.L.R.O. Record No. 47320, adjudicating Lot No. 7 in favor of applicants Amparo, Beatriz, and Felix Bautista y Angelo.
    • In 1943, Pablo Alfaro filed a motion for revision or reconsideration of the decision, which was denied on June 19, 1943.
    • In August 1943, Alfaro filed a record on appeal, but no further action was taken.
  2. Reconstitution of Records:

    • In March 1951, the applicants filed a motion to reconstitute the lost or destroyed records of the case based on Alfaro's record on appeal.
    • Alfaro was granted extensions to file his opposition but failed to do so.
    • On July 6, 1951, the applicants moved to declare the records reconstituted.
  3. Writ of Possession:

    • On July 12, 1951, the applicants moved for a writ of possession, arguing that the decision adjudicating Lot No. 7 to them was final and executory, as Alfaro's appeal was not perfected.
    • Alfaro opposed, claiming the records had not been reconstituted.
  4. Reconstitution Order:

    • On November 27, 1951, Alfaro submitted a statement leaving the reconstitution to the court's discretion.
    • On December 5, 1951, the court declared the records reconstituted based on Alfaro's record on appeal.
  5. Motion for Reconsideration:

    • On December 12, 1951, Alfaro filed a motion for reconsideration, but it was not set for hearing until February 23, 1952.
    • The applicants objected, arguing the reconstitution order was final.
  6. Final Order:

    • On April 30, 1952, the court ruled that the reconstitution order was final and executory and directed the issuance of a writ of possession.
    • Alfaro appealed, arguing errors in the reconstitution process and the denial of his motion for reconsideration.


  1. Whether the lower court erred in the manner of reconstituting the case and ordering the issuance of a writ of possession.
  2. Whether the lower court erred in not considering Alfaro's motion for reconsideration of the December 5, 1951, reconstitution order.


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